Outlook: The connection to the server has failed - Error: 10061

Outlook: The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'yourdomain.com', Server: 'yourdomain.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 11, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Outlook may be using the incorrect port number.

First reboot your computer first and then try it, if not try the following...

Go to 'Tools' -> 'Accounts...' -> 'Mail' -> 'Properties' -> 'Advanced'. Change the POP3 (incoming mail server) port number to 110.

Also recommended is removing the mail account in outlook. Close it. Log into your hosting account control panel, go into mail, add/remove and download and open the Outlook Express Autoconfig. Once ran and installed, open up Outlook Express and try again.

Make sure your username is either your account name or name@yourdomain.com

You will also want to make sure your Internet Service Provider is not blocking port 25 access outside their own service. By opening a shell/command prompt and typing "telnet mail.yourdomain.com 25" you should be able to reach it. If not, your ISP or software you have installed is blocking your access.

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