When you try to send and receive e-mail, you may receive one of the following error messages:
The server could not be found. (Account:account name, POPserver:'mail', Error Number: 0x800ccc0d)
Task 'server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800ccc0f): 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: ?'
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account. account name, Server: 'server name', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '+OK', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): N0, Error Number: 0x800ccc0f
Task 'SMTP server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x80042109): 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
This error message occurs when Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express cannot establish a connection with your e-mail server.
To work around this problem, use one of the following methods as appropriate for your situation.
Confirm That Your E-Mail Server Settings Are Correct
For information about the correct settings for your e-mail server, view your welcome email.
Make sure the domain name has fully propagated. If it has not you may either connect via IP or wait for propagation to take place.
Insure you have an internet connection.
Reboot your computer.
If you are using a virus scanning program such as Norton change its settings to only scan email on send and delivery.
Close any applications that would cause an interuption in internet connectivity.
Scan and remove spyware on your system that may cause interuptions in internet connectivity.
If persists contact us.
Configuration Tutorial for Outlook Express
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