Mounting Samba Share in Linux for Startup

The following may be used to mount a samba share via your /etc/fstab file for bootup on CentOS/RedHat systems:

Create a password file for the windows mount point where desired:


 vi /root/smbpw.pass

with the following:


Install cifs and dependencies for samba support with the following:


yum install -y cifs-utils
mkdir /mnt/smb/
mkdir /mnt/smb/sharename
vi /etc/fstab


//windowsservername/sharedfolder/iftherearespacesuse\040 /mnt/smb/sharename cifs _netdev,,rw,credentials=/root/smbpw.pass,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0

Once setup, use:

mount -a

To test mounting followed by:



to validate it was added. Reboot and verify. If it does not load on startup, adding the following to the /etc/rc.local is a great workaround:

sleep 15
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
  mount -a #: mount all drives in /etc/fstab


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