Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour

You may receive the following error message.
"Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (10/10 (58%)) allowed. Message discarded."

This error will show if your account has been sending emails to more than 10 email addresses that do not exist within an hour time frame.
You will need to wait an hour without sending email for the error to resolve.

We recommend updating email addresses in any mailing list and address books that you have to be sure they are up to date.

If you are not sending email when this message occurs or you have received this message in error please login to your account with our services and upgrade all scripts, themes, plugins installed on your account to their latest versions.
If someone is sending email/pamming from your account it is typically due to an outdated script installed somewhere on the account. Remove any unnecessary or unknown files from your account.

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