What do the cPanel stats represent?

cPanel Stat InformationWithin the cPanel interface, there are statistics listed on the left side. They represent the following:

Main Domain - The primary domain name associated with the cPanel account.
Home Directory - The physical location of your content files on the server.
Disk Space Usage - How much data you are using with your plan
Monthly Bandwidth Transfer - How much data has been downloaded from your website.
Email Accounts - The amount of email accounts allowed.
Subdomains - The number of subdomains (sub1.yourdomain.com) you may have.
Parked Domains - The amount of allowed parked domains.
Addon Domains - The amount of allowed addon domains.
FTP Accounts - The amount of allowed FTP Accounts.
SQL Databases - The amount of allowed MySQL databases.
Mailing Lists - The amount of allowed mailing lists.
MySQL Disk Space - Space used by your MySQL databases.
Hosting package - The name of the hosting plan you have.
Server Name - The name of the server.
cPanel Version - cPanel version installed on server.
Theme - Current theme interface.
Apache version - Version of Apache being run on the web server.
PHP version - Version of PHP being run on the web server.
MySQL Version - Version of MySQL being run on the server.
Architecture - Hardware type the server runs on.
Operating system - Operating System installed on the server.
Dedicated IP Address - If assigned, the  dedicated IP of your account.
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