Publishing in iWeb

iWeb publishing

Here are the steps on how to FTP publish in iWeb:


  1. Open iWeb.
  2. In the left pane, click the name of the site that you want to publish.
  3. In the Site Publishing Settings window, select FTP Server from the Publish to drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the following information in the FTP Server Settings section:
    • Server address: The address of your FTP server.
    • Username: Your FTP username.
    • Password: Your FTP password.
    • Directory/Path: The directory on your FTP server where you want to publish your site.
    • Protocol: The protocol that you want to use to connect to your FTP server. The default protocol is FTP.
    • Port: The port that you want to use to connect to your FTP server. The default port is 21.
  5. Enter your Contact email address. This is the email address that will be used to send you notifications about your site's publishing status.
  6. Click Test Connection to test the FTP connection settings. If the connection is successful, you will see a message that says "Testing succeeded!"
  7. Click Publish Site to publish your site to your FTP server.
  • If you are not sure what the FTP server address, username, password, or directory/path are, you can contact your hosting provider for this information.
  • If you are using a firewall or antivirus software, make sure that it allows connections to FTP servers.
  • If you are still having problems after trying these steps, you can contact iWeb support for help.
  • 124 Users Found This Useful

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