99% Uptime Guarantee? What happens if you are not up 99%?

hosting with uptime guarantee Our Uptime Guarantee is very simple. We guarantee that your web site will experience 99% or better uptime during the course of any calendar month. If we do not provide 99% uptime, we will provide a pro-rated refund of your hosting fees for the month affected.

Outstanding Uptime Record: We already have an outstanding record of uptime. Over the past 6 months - we have achieved more than 99.5% uptime for our servers. In addition, we have never had a server wide outage of more than 3 hours in the past year.

Only the Best: We use only the best networks, the most reliable hardware, and rock solid operating systems. Using the best equipment and software available makes it easy to offer our clients great uptime.

Skilled and Friendly Staff: Our staff is top-notch. Our staff members are highly skilled in Systems Administration, Programming and Internet Security. By employing only the best, we can assure that we have the expertise available to address any problem that might occur.

3rd Party Monitoring: We monitor our servers constantly to ensure accessibility and availability. We have three remote locations that monitor our servers and uor techs are paged if a server ever goes down. This ensures that we fix most problems as quickly as possible.
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