Troubleshooting Cloudflare errors

You may encounter errors using CloudFlare from time to time. This article may help to resolve those errors...

  • Error 520: This error means that the Cloudflare server was unable to connect to your origin server. This can be caused by a number of things, including a problem with your origin server, a firewall setting, or a DNS issue.
  • Error 1020: This error means that you are not authorized to access the website. This can be caused by a number of things, including a problem with your Cloudflare account, a problem with your browser settings, or a problem with your origin server.
  1. The first method to try is to make sure your SSL/TLS encryption mode is set to "Full". If your status is set to "Off", "Flexible", or "Full (strict)", try changing the mode to just "Full".

  2. Check the Cloudflare status page: Make sure that there is no known outage affecting your region or the website you are trying to reach. You can check the Cloudflare status page here:

  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies: This can sometimes help to resolve issues with Cloudflare. To clear your browser cache and cookies, follow the instructions for your specific browser.

  4. Disable any browser extensions: Sometimes browser extensions can interfere with Cloudflare. Try disabling any browser extensions you are using and see if that resolves the issue.

  5. Try a different web browser: If you are still having problems, try using a different web browser. This can help to rule out any browser-specific issues.

  6. Contact Ultra: If you have tried all of the above and you are still having problems, please contact us. We will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue.
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