Error 508 / 503 - Resource Limit Reached

To help maintain the stability of servers and keep websites fast, UltraWebHosting has resource limits on our shared hosting and reseller plans. Our servers allow a hefty amount of processing and memory power but do not allow a shared hosting plan to take more than 10% of all processors on a server. This ensures there are always enough resources to keep every website running fast and protects websites on a server from being brought down by a single account.

You can check your resource usage inside cPanel by going to Logs -> Resource usage. If you hit any limits in the last 24 hours, there will be a summary on this page. You can also view charts and graphs by clicking on the details link.

How can you reduce resource usage?

Disable plugins or scripts which are not necessary, disabling any special features which are not essential, add a bad bot blocker .htaccess in your public_html to help prevent hack attempts and spambots, optimize your database(s), and/or optimize your scripts. Your webmaster or the script developers should be able to assist with this. Bad bot blocker download

Spambots are a very common reason for a 508 error. Make sure your comments sections or forum areas are not receiving massive amounts of SPAM. If so, find ways to stop this from occurring such as using a better captcha system or a verification process. 

Enable caching. When it comes to PHP scripts caching is very necessary to reduce load. This prevents the processor from being hit on every single request as opposed to processing once and sharing that processed information multiple times. Most PHP scripts now days have a caching module available.

Enable UltraSpeed. Switch over to our custom nginx frontend with redis caching to dramatically improve the performance of your website.

Enabling PHP7. If your script is up to date and PHP7 friendly, you can increase the performance of your website often by moving to PHP7 which is more efficient. You can make the change via your hosting control panel and the php options icon.

Ensure you are running the latest stable version of your scripts, plugins and/or any themes. Often out-dated versions are searched for by bots which attempt to exploit out-dated scripts with security holes. 

Check your error_log file. You can also check the document root of your websites for any error_log files, if you find an error_log file, you should take a look at the recent entries and fix any errors that are reported.

Optimizing your database tables (if any of your sites are MySQL driven) via PHPMyAdmin is also a good way to keep things running smoothly. Prune out data which is no longer needed and optimize the table.

Enable CloudFlare. CloudFlare can be easily enabled via your hosting control panel. With CloudFlare your static content is placed on a network of web servers to not only delivery static files faster but can act as an additional layer of security to help mitigate attacks on your website.  

If you are using WordPress which is a common high resource usage script, check out the following knowledge base article to help dramatically reduce the load of your account and speed it up: Improve Wordpress speed and optimize.

Need help optimizing a WordPress or Joomla website? We have optimization consultation available here: Website Optimization Consultation Service

Error 508, resource limit reached and how to correct it.

Still need more resources?

Upgrades available: If you're unable to reduce your account's resource usage, the Ultra Unlimited Pro plan is available for upgrade. If your website is no longer suitable for a shared hosting environment we have additional upgrade paths as well. As we own and operate our servers we have plenty of scalable options available to our clients and you may find our high processor and memory usage plans here:

Ultra Unlimited Pro:

VPS Plans:

Dedicated Server Plans:

As you are an existing client we will waive your setup fee and transfer your complete account over for free. To do so use coupon code: FREEDEDICATEDSETUP.

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