There are several companies out there using a predatory practice of attempting to have you renew your domain with their service with a letter delivered to your postal mailbox.
Companies include:
iDNS - Internet Domain Name Systems
Domain Registry of Canada
Domain Registry of America
Liberty Names of America
Network Solutions/Verisign
Domain Renewal Group
The soliciting letter delivered in your mailbox may sound official and legitimate but is not necessary. They are written in an attempt to scare you into believing your domain is expiring and you must renew with their service. You can dismiss such letters from these companies.
The letter will contain something along the lines of...
"We understand that your domain xxxx expires on yy/yyyy. We recommend you renew your domain name at least 30 days prior to expiration to avoid any "Registrar Lock". Should your current registrar lock your domain name you will be unable to renew your domain name...."
"As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification of the domain name registration that is due to expire in the next few months. When you switch today to Internet Domain Name services, you can take advantage..."
The scamming practice they use is known as domain slamming and it is the result of several of these registrants desperately attempting to acquire clients and charge inordinate fees. We have seen renewal and transfer fees from some of these companies as high as $120 a year. We have also often seen the practice of these companies of offering a low initial transfer/renew fee only to follow with an extremely large fee the following year.
Renewing your domain via one of these solicitations will remove you from our domain registration service. In many cases your DNS will stop working, your website will be unavailable and your email will no longer function. Services, Inc. will never send you a letter in postal mail to renew your domain name. Your domain is safe with our service and our domain registration renewal fee remains only $13.95 a year for most domain TLDs.
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