What is a domain?

A domain is a human-readable name assigned to an IP address to make accessing websites much easier. For example, a domain name is much like knowing a house by “Bob’s” instead of his exact street address. Domain names provide an easy way to get to a website instead of remembering a long IP address like Domains are combined with a TLD to produce what is known as a domain name. A TLD is a domain extension, .com for example is one. Domains themselves can be anything you choose (bobstools, birdlovers, etc), and then choose a TLD to go with it. Common TLDs include:


  • .com
  • .net
  • .org
  • .info
  • .us
Your domain, combined with a TLD, will procude the final domain name (bobstools.com).
Domain names must be unique, and can only be registered to one person at a time.
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