PHP information

To view your current version of PHP you will create a php file, for example info.php, and place the file in your public_html folder.

Here are the steps and code to create a simple PHP file and view it in your web browser...

  1. Access your control panel with Ultra and click on the "File Manager" icon. You can also access your files using any standard FTP program such as FileZilla or SmartFTP.
  2. Navigate to the public_html folder
  3. Create a new file called info.php in your web server's public_html directory.
  4. In the file, add the following code:

  1. Save the file.
  2. view the new file in your internet browser via 
    (replace with your actual domain name)

The file will display a wealth of information about your PHP installation, including the version number.

The PHP information page also includes information about the PHP extensions that are installed, the PHP configuration settings, and the PHP error messages.

If you don't have your control panel login credentials or need additional help,

please contact Ultra.

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