PHP suexec is running on all of our shared servers. If you are running code that is insecure or uses simple php authentication it may not work as a result of PHP suexec. PHP suexec provides additional security and is becoming a standard. Provided below are basic PHP suexec rules to follow:
1. User executing the wrapper must be a valid user on this system.
2. The command that the request wishes to execute must not contain a /.
3. The command being executed must reside under the user's web document root..
4. The current working directory must be a directory.
5. The current working directory must not be writable by group or other.
6. The command being executed cannot be a symbolic link.
7. The command being executed cannot be writable by group or other.
8. The command being executed cannot be a setuid or setgid program.
9. The target UID and GID must be a valid user and group on this system.
10. The target UID and GID to execute as, must match the UID and GID of the directory.
11. The target execution UID and GID must not be the privledged ID 0.
12. Group access list is set to NOGROUP and the command is executed.
In the case fo php authentication use coding the follows the above parameters or try using an .htaccess and .htpasswd instead.
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