How can I report someone that is spamming me?

If you have an account with us and continue to get spam'd there are a few steps you can take. First enable Spam Assassin. With Spam Assassin you can also include email address sources into your blacklist.

If you can copy the message source of the email, go to and paste the source and you can locate their ISP and report them via email.

This can also be used to locate spoofers in many cases.

With Outlook Express open the email, go to file, properties, details, message source, ctrl-a (select all), ctrl-c (copy), then go to and paste that into the field.

To do this in Horde open the message, click show all headers/show mailing list information, message source link, copy all then go to and paste that into the field.

To prevent SPAM in the future you will want to remove any email links on your website as this is where some bad bot scripts can grab the email address and add it to a spam list. Also do not sign up for any free websites or search engine/link submit websites with the email address. Also refer to the following knowledge base article.
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