# -- [[ Global and IP Collections ]] -----------------------------------------------------
# Create both Global and IP collections for rules to use
# There are some CRS rules that assume that these two collections
# have already been initiated.
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent "^(.*)$" "id:'900018', phase:1, t:none,t:sha1,t:hexEncode, setvar:tx.ua_hash=%{matched_var}, nolog, pass"
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:x-forwarded-for "^\b(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\b" "id:'900019', phase:1, t:none, capture, setvar:tx.real_ip=%{tx.1}, nolog, pass"
SecRule &TX:REAL_IP "!@eq 0" "id:'900020', phase:1, t:none, initcol:global=global, initcol:ip=%{tx.real_ip}_%{tx.ua_hash}, nolog, pass"
SecRule &TX:REAL_IP "@eq 0" "id:'900021', phase:1, t:none, initcol:global=global, initcol:ip=%{remote_addr}_%{tx.ua_hash}, setvar:tx.real_ip=%{remote_addr}, nolog, pass"