The following can be added to the main modsecurity.conf or a whitelist file such as one ConfigServer leverages with CMM:
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@IPMatch," phase:1,log,allow,ctl:ruleEngine=Off,id:55555555
The following can be added to the main modsecurity.conf or a whitelist file such as one ConfigServer leverages with CMM:
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@IPMatch," phase:1,log,allow,ctl:ruleEngine=Off,id:55555555
The error "central_filter defer (-17): error in filter file: unknown filtering command r_subject:...
The error : Failed to lock proc mutex: Permission denied can occur when using mod_ruid2 with...
When checking your error log you find the error 508 or 403 forbidden error in your browser and...
From time to time you will find repairing and optimizing your databases are necessary. From a...
The service “ftpd” appears to be down. The system failed to connect to this service’s TCP/IP...