The following can be added to the main modsecurity.conf or a whitelist file such as one ConfigServer leverages with CMM:
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@IPMatch," phase:1,log,allow,ctl:ruleEngine=Off,id:55555555
The following can be added to the main modsecurity.conf or a whitelist file such as one ConfigServer leverages with CMM:
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@IPMatch," phase:1,log,allow,ctl:ruleEngine=Off,id:55555555
The error "central_filter defer (-17): error in filter file: unknown filtering command r_subject:...
Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Multilib version problems found. This often means that...
If you have a problem with your VPS time not staying sync in a Xen VPS you will want to enable...
To clear the cPanel exim mail queue quickly from a command line / shell use the following...
Account's error_log produces flood of missing modules. Ex: From error_log: [23-Apr-2018...