Web Hosting Migration

Web-hosting Migration - An Overview of Related Facts and Procedure

Web-hosting migration is best described as the process of moving a particular website from one hosting provider to another. This term is also applied in case of a change in the domain name. Complicated that the procedure of migrating your website is, the thought naturally occurs as to why anyone in a sane state of mind would opt for it. Among the plethora of reasons, some common factors that prompt web-hosting migration are cost, download times and continuity.


What Does Web-Hosting Migration Entail?

Simply put, web-hosting migration implies shifting your website from the existing hosting provider on to a different hosting platform for the sake of improving its functionality.

Are you familiar with the process of moving from one house to another? Having decided to abandon your existing locale, you need to first identify a suitable spot that could serve as your new habitation. Next, you will need to acquire it by booking it, then paying a certain amount and ultimately occupying it once all the paperwork has been completed. As a courtesy, you must also leave a note at your previous location mentioning the new address to which you have shifted.

Migration of your website entails the same procedure, except for the fact that it occurs in the virtual world. It is best embarked upon by selecting a new hosting provider after conducting thorough research and preparing to shift after having finalized the terms. Of course, packing up a website is not as simple and straightforward as packing your belongings in the physical world, and this is where most of the people falter.

To be able to move effectively to the new host, all the steps need to be followed in the correct sequence and even the slightest slip-up could impede the outcome. Intimidating though the process might seem, it can be achieved and mastered through practice and caution. What could be a better proof of this than a professional web-hosting company that is responsible for shifting multiple websites from one host to another on a daily basis?


Step-Wise Procedure for Web-Hosting Migration

Following is the step-wise procedure for web-hosting migration that needs to be followed:


Identify the new host and purchase the space – Every hosting provider offers his own unique configurations and the onus is on you to identify one which is best-suited for your purpose in terms of the amount of space, cost, algorithms and so on. It is only after you are satisfied with every aspect and have read the fine print that you must go ahead and make a purchase by paying the requisite amount.

Hold on to your existing hosting package – Till the migration is totally complete, holding on to the existing hosting package is a must as premature cancellation could result in total loss of important files and database of information. While it is ethical to inform the provider beforehand of your intention to move, formalities pertaining to canceling of the plan can be left until the very end when the transfer is complete.

Create backup files – cPanel is where you would be able to retrieve all the files and database related to your website. At this point, all the files are compressed into a folder and should be allowed to remain so all through the downloading process. The files are downloaded using the ‘back-up’ option available on cPanel wherein all files including the subdomains and MySQL database will get downloaded into the system.

Transferring to the new host – Registering with a new hosting provider will result in your receiving a new hosting plan wherein the IP address, FTP account and details of cPanel interface are provided. These details will come in handy while uploading all the downloaded backup files and continuing with it till the transfer is complete.

Check the functionality of the new database – Having updated the logging in details in the cPanel, your priority should be to check whether everything has been transferred correctly. This might call for editing of information in the system files and MySQL databases so that the new host is duly recognized and the files are appropriately located.

Switch to new DNS – In the final step, you will need to switch the domain name server from old to the new one and this process takes about 24 hours to accomplish. During this phase, your website should function well on both old and new hosting providers till the integration is complete. You must refrain from all kinds of editing pertaining to files, content or design when the process is on so as not to cause disruption. Once this phase is over, you can cancel your contract with your previous hosting provider. 

Final Word

For your web-hosting migration to be successful, it is imperative to work in close cooperation with the new provider. While on your part, it would serve to build confidence in the new service, at the same time finer points like a level of customer service, response time and degree of help provided can also be ascertained.

Common problems faced by website owners during web-hosting migration are graphics and images being misplaced and links being broken. As long as you are cognizant of the hurdles and exercise caution to prevent or solve them, the process of web-hosting migration is simple, effective and easily achieved.  


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