FSCK Options and Maintenance

Provided below are some useful commands pertaining to FSCK. Update commands to your environment / related issue. Use commands at your own risk.

INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY (i.e., without -a or -p options)

umount /dev/sda*
fsck /dev/sda1 -f -y
fsck /dev/sda7 -f -y

Remove forcefsck file:

mount -o remount, -rw /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
rm /forcefsck -f

Reboot and force an fsck:

/sbin/shutdown -rF now

If stuck in FSCK loop reboot:

# While in FSCK,
mount -o remount, -rw /dev/sda1 /
rm /forcefsck -f

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