Blocked by JetPack

If you have access to your site and you’ve not been blocked, you can enter your IP or IPv6 address(es) by going to Jetpack → Settings → Protect → Configure.

Click here to discover your IP address.

If you are blocked from entering your site, you can enter the IP or IPv6 address(es) via by visiting My Sites → Settings → Security → Whitelist.

You can also whitelist one IP address by setting it as theJETPACK_IP_ADDRESS_OK constant in your wp-config.php


You can find your IP by visiting any of the following sites:

Be sure to replace X.X.X.X with your own IP address.

You may also try disabling Jetpack temporarily. To do this, go to Jetpack > Settings > General and uncheck the box next to Enable Jetpack.


Contact Jetpack support. If you have tried the above steps and you are still blocked by Jetpack, you can contact Jetpack support for help. They will be able to investigate the issue and help you to resolve it.


Contact Ultra. If you've tried all of the above steps and the error is still occurring, you may need to contact our award winning support for assistance. They may be able to help you identify and resolve the issue.


Ultra is one of the leading WordPress hosting companies. If your WordPress site is loading slowly you need to give us a free 45 day trial! We have WordPress optimized hosting specifically for your needs.
Click here to get started.


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